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  • Trip Includes: 8 hour trip on Sabine Lake or Calcasieu Lake with USCG licensed professional guide

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    Dickie Colburn 409-883-0723

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« Bite O.K. all things considered | Main | Trout not all over the lake! »

February 17, 2019


Michael D Shackelford

I enjoy reading these as well

Greg Romero

Thanks for the great r export captain.

Leighton Moss

Hello Capt Colburn

I live in Houston. I used to fish Sabine fairly often, with a Calcasieu guide. We would launch at the burned out bridge ramp on old Hwy 90. I haven't been over there recently, as the drive started to become a little much for me, and I found a young guide in Galveston who will take me wading for a reduced rate as a single (I am 68 and my fishing buddies are mostly older and no longer are able to wade) and I can sleep until 5 in my own bed, be on the water in an hour, and be home by 1 p.m. Notwithstanding this, I check your report weekly, since it is always informative and almost like being on the water. I can understand if you want to drop the report, it is some work, but be assured I will continue to look forward to reading it as long as you continue posting.
Leighton Moss

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