I have been reluctant to post anything as I have had very little to report that has been good. The lake is in much better shape and the salinity obviously is no longer a problem as I have seen porpoises in Middle Pass twice in the past week. Every time I think I may have something going it goes to pot overnight. Over the past two months I have scheduled a few parties only to cancel them for good reason....they would have been a waste of money if they were fishing with me!
Case in point. This is how my last six outings on Sabine have gone.....3 trout/2 reds, 5 reds/1 trout, 0,0, 6 reds. Tuesday i baled on Sabine and we crappie fished on Toledo Bend with Steven Johnson. We cleaned 75 fish up to a pound and a half that we caught in a little over two hours. The crappie catching has been red hot for the folks with multiple brush piles. The craziest part of that trip was that we caught all but four of those fish on jigs...they wouldn't eat a minnow!
This morning marked the first time in a while that I have been rained out and it is still raining. The wind has blown just stupid hard across the past few days which inevitably dirties up the lake for a day or two. It seems to dirty up quicker now, but I feel pretty certain that it is due to the 62 inches of rain Harvey blessed us with. That record glut of water washed a lot of top soil into the rivers and bayous. We noticed the thicker layer of soft mud when we were wading back in January.
i have multiple theories as to where out trout went,but there is no doubt that a significant number of them fled Harvey due to fresh water that improved the bass fishing, but shut down the trout catching. I haven't caught a trout 15 to 22 feet deep in the river in three years and I made a living on that bite for years!
I don't know what the connection is, but the live bait fishermen are also catching very few gafftops. I guess they moved as well. i will keep looking, but there is no doubt that I have a lot of figuring out to do. There are still just enough trout around to keep our hopes up, but it is a tough bite. If you haven't done much fishing of late you may well do better than those that have simply by fishing a different program with a different lure.
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