Yesterday was very much a case of staying in the wrong place at the right time. After about nine in the morning, anywhere around Sabine was the wrong place. We were doing well on both trout and redfish prior to the storm's arrival and narrowly missed getting pounded. We hid out in the River Rat and ate shrimpburgers until it passed only to be greeted by clear skies and a twenty mph north wind.
Murray releases another nice red!
The areas that were good that morning were blown out that afternoon. We eventually hid on one short stretch of shoreline in east pass all afternoon and caught slot reds virtually non-stop. We limited on fish in the 20-23 inch class in the first fifteen minutes and caught and released even better fish until we just called it a day.
The water in East Pass was prettier than the river, but there were still lots of fish in the river that morning. We also had a huge outgoing tide in the evening. We picked up our two largest trout, 4-5 pound fish, on a break just north of the DuPont Outfall. We did not see a lot of bait on the surface, but the salinity must still be decent.