Maybe once or twice a year, I skip church to fish on a Sunday. Today was one of those exceptions as I very much enjoy fishing with Jeff Farris of the Dallas area and that was the only day he could make it down here. He brought his wife,Colleen, this time and I initially thought that a 20 mph southeast wind would doom her first trip.
Big trout will make you forget about the wind!
We chased gulls for about twenty minutes and headed for a flat two miles south of the area that we did so well in the day before. The white caps were not quite as bad, (2-3 feet) and the water had not silted up at that time. It would do so before we left. We saw only three or four other boats on the lake all day as you would not have run out in the lake later in the morning had you not already been there.
After two drifts produced only one small keeper trout, we threw out another drift sock and tied on a heavier jig head. From that point on it was two or three fish on each drift and they were all good trout. We put some BIG tout in the boat that we released, but we possibly pulled off at least two trout that were even larger.
The heaviest of the day was a 28-inch fish that weighed 8.4 pounds. We had all been fishing glow-chartreuse, but I switched to a pumpkin Assassin only because it was handy and the big fish found it in the waves. I cannot recall fishing a 3/8ths ounce head in water less than five feet deep, but we did not catch a fish on anything lighter. We were still covering very little water with each cast, but you do what you have to do.
I get to catch a big one every now and then.
We thought for several minutes that Jeff may have stuck the fish of the day, but he finally won the battle in the waves and his big trout turned out to be a 28 inch-redfish. We caught some smaller slot reds as well, but the big trout owned that stretch of water.
Aside from enjoying a happening in the wind, the most promising aspect was that these fish were on the same pattern much farther down the lake. I haven't checked out any of the areas that we normally find big fish on this time of the year due to the wind, so this is pretty exciting. We are going to give the lake to the northeast blast tomorrow and get back after them Tuesday!
I had a reader call tonight with an important message for someone and I hope that it is one of you or someone you know. He found a new tackle box floating in the middle of the lake that was loaded with lures, etc. To claim the box call Sheldon at (409)504-9248.
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