We have been backing up trips for a week now and the forecast doesn't look much better for the next few days. The wind has just shut everything down. Far too much shoreline is getting blown out on a daily basis for us to run productive trips. The good news is that we have had some excellent incoming tides and there is more water in the marsh than there has been all winter long.
As soon as we can get back out, I look for the reds to be back in the flooded grass and the flounder bite to be much improved. Robert Vail called last night to say that he lost his scag and a prop last week when he hit yet another obstruction just off the north end of Pleasure Island. He had just come up on the flat out of the ship channel when he hit whatever it was. He is going to mark it as soon as he can get back out.
Remember to run a little slower and swing wide around any type of markers you might see on your next trip. Marking or removing any debris you find will help us all and could save a life!