I feel certain this weekend's freeze will once again slow things down, but we were able to take advantage of the latest warm-up in almost unfishable winds yesterday. Both the trout and the reds were cruising the shallow shell feeding ahead of the incoming front.
Most of our fish came out of three feet of water or less. We released all but one of the fish, a 28 inch speck that ate a Catch 2000 too deeply and couldn't be revived. We caught nine other trout between nineteen and twenty-six inches in length. We released two slot reds and several smaller ones as well.
All of the trout were caught from the Texaco Cut north. Charteuse-gold or bone-chartreuse produced most of the fish, but the two largest trout ate black-chartreuse. Had the wind not kept us so pinned down in such a small area I think we could have done even better. The water clarity is exceptional, especially when compared to the water we have been dealing with on Sabine.
We spent too much time drifting the shallow reefs with soft plastics, a pattern that has been very good for us this time of the year. That program will undoubtedly improve in the near future. In spite of the warmer temperatures, the fish still wanted both the Catch 5 and 2000 fished just fast enough to keep it off the bottom and the strikes were very subtle.
Subtle may not be very accurate in hindsight as the wind and wave action kept a serious bow in the line. The super slow retrieve was, however, the key to getting consistently bitten. Hopefully this latest front will push the trout back out of the marsh and into the lake on Sabine. We'll find out next week.
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